Pitching With Confidence is the guidebook that gives you the 1% belief in your ability to present confidently. It help you to present from the heart with ease, comfort, and joy. It has:

- Practical Tips
- Modern Exercises
- Cool Templates
- Current Examples

It is for students, startups, workers, leaders, and nearly anyone who wants to learn:

1) How to adopt the right mindset when pitching
2) How to create the content that works
3) How to practice for the delivery

The Mindset, Content, and Delivery are the fundamental areas where people struggle when pitching. I have coached in 31 countries and more than 50.000 people. Most people tell me: 

- I am afraid to speak to people (Mindset)
- I do not know what to say (
- I cannot engage my audience (

This book covers these three areas and offers a clear and simple methodology from start to finish: a step-by-step guide for you to never fail at pitching. It has the latest communication techniques for presentation skills. It is based on 200.000 hours of academic research and practical coaching. I have yet to see someone fail at pitching after they have adopted the Pitching For Life mindset and Pitching With Confidence tools. The methodology is proven, and it works every time!

It becomes easy and comfortable to pitch when you understand what you are doing and know how to approach different situations. You start to enjoy pitching when you see the results” Student at Aalto University, 2022